Basketball League Registration Form
Athlete Information
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Player's Name
Are you over 18?
Guardian / Parent Name
Basketball Skill Level
Beginner to Advanced
Interested in Volunteering while your team not playing?
Emergency Contact Name
Do you have health insurance ?
Do you have any allergies, chronic illness, or medical conditions that would limit high level of activity?
Parental Permission For Emergency Treatment. In the event of illness or accident, I give my permission for emergency treatment by qualified medical personnel for my child, and I authorize the person in charge to take my child to: I give consent for the facility to secure any and all necessary emergency medical care for my child.
I have read and agree to the conditions below
Release of Liability. Although the safety of all sports activities is the primary concern, indoor sports activities at Sports Center's facilities may cause injuries and/or death. I expressly assume the risk of injury, death, and/or illness arising from any cause, and agree to waive the right to pursue any claim against the Sport Center and the persons in charge.
I agree to the following charge:
$ 0.00
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