Gym Usage Rules

Coaches & Parents of Toronto East Basketball Association (TEBA)

We need your help in a very important matter. When using a school gym for a TEBA practice or game, we are doing so as members of TEBA and we are therefore the guests of the respective School Board. As such, we have agreed to adhere to stricter guidelines regarding WHEN and WHERE we can access the gyms used for TEBA events. We all must adhere to these rules so we do not jeopardize our ability to use these gyms; without access to gyms, we can’t have a league. So please read the following carefully:

  • Coaches, Parents & Players: do not enter the gymnasium until your designated time even if there is no other group in the gym (parents must make sure a coach is there before leaving the premises)
  • Coaches must end their practices promptly:

o   If another team is practicing after yours, do not run past your designated time and make the next team wait; clear the court promptly for the other team; the clock inside the gym is the official time

o   If you are the last scheduled practice, you must be completely out of the gym by the designated time; you therefore need to end your practice 10 minutes beforehand to give yourself and your players time to pack up and exit the entire building; no extra shooting, no chatting inside the gym, even if you don’t see a custodian …please be out of the building so the custodian can go home

  • Parents should arrive 10 minutes before practice ends to pick up players; if you arrive later, the players may be waiting outside
  • Players not on the court should wait at the perimeter of the gym or in the hallway outside the gym; you should not roam the halls inside the school
  • Remove all water bottles and belongings at the end of a practice or game
  • Do not bounce basketballs in the corridors – only use them in the gym
  • When attending any TEBA practices or games, all children and adults must remain in the gym area at all times, except to use the bathrooms. Even though most families attend these schools, you must realize that when you’re at the schools participating in a TEBA event, WE ONLY HAVE ACCESS TO THE GYM AND BATHROOMS; THE REST OF THE SCHOOL IS CLOSED! No children or adults should be walking the classroom hallways or any other areas inside the schools
  • Coaches & Parents: please make sure players and other children respect school property – do not remove or deface artwork or class work mounted on school bulletin boards
  • Parents: keep a close watch on any children you bring to watch a game and do not let them roam outside the gym area or the bathrooms; unfortunately, there is limited space for spectators in most of the school gyms.
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